Getting started with MicroPython on the Arduino Nano RP2040 Connect with Headers on Ubuntu Linux 20.04.5.
Getting started with MicroPython on the Arduino Nano RP2040 Connect with Headers on Ubuntu Linux 20.04.5
I like working with Python, it is easy to learn and so quick to build with. In this article i am going to share how you can start working with Micropython which is a lean and efficient implementation of Python 3 for micro-controllers . To learn more about Micropython please read this article. To learn more about MicroPython here is its documentation.And you can find its Github Project here. There is also a very supportive community here.To begin working with MicroPython on your Arduino NanoRP204O Connect kindly follow the steps below:
*If times allows i shall also cover installation of the same on Windows.
1.Installing OpenMv IDE. Because the Arduino IDE does not support Python, and supports it only through OpenMV’s branch.We need to install OpenMV on Ubuntu to begin working with MicroPython. Start by downloading the IDE from this link.
This helps you to download the (openmv-ide-linux-x86_64-2.9.7) .run file as by the time of the writing. Install OpenMV by following the instructions on how to install files with .run extension on Ubuntu.
Activating Bootloader Mode.With OpenMv installed next is to activate the bootloader mood. First connect the board to the computer. To force the trigger bootloader you should tap the reset button on the board. This is the white button on the board. Use the picture below for guidance. To read about this in more detail please use this article.
Open the OpenMv Firmware now that it is already installed and your board is attached to your PC. Click the connect button as shown in the figure below.Click ok to install the latest firmware onto your board.And please do not check the erase internal file system check box.
Confirmation that your firmware update is complete. You will receive the following image confirming complete installation of your firmware on the board. At this point you can click the connect button again.
Ensure that the play button below the connect button is green. To run your python script on the board. Simply upload your script and click play(“green button”).
Hurrah!!!. Click play and run your python script. In this example, i have uploaded and ran the classic Arduino example. You can find more details and some of the things i could not have mentioned in the article in this link. This like the fact the code is upload and running on the board is instant. By simply clicking play you both upload and run your code. And the stop button helps to stop the MicroPython script immediately.
Happy MicroPython coding to everyone. Now to learn more about which boards can run MicroPython and also have a look at beginner scripts( for example WI-FI scan, making an http request,uart communication and working with I2C buses) you can start working with you can use the following link.